Iraqi Construction and Health Care Contract Office (IRAQCHCCO)...
Covid-19 Goals
Covid-19 Goals....Our Process
Iraqi Construction and Health Care Contract Office (IRAQCHCCO) has re-engineered all manpower with the aim of achieving the following projects/initiatives listed below:
Agencies of the federal government tend to issue guidance that is advisory in nature and leave the regulations to state and local authorities. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued COVID-19 Guidance for the Construction Workforce.
OSHA’s one-page alert includes 12 tips to help reduce the risk of exposure. This construction-specific OSHA guidance is in addition to OSHA’s general Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19. Note that employers in higher-risk industries such as construction do have certain heightened recording and reporting requirements, and may be more susceptible to OSHA COVID-19 investigations, especially if located in a geographic area where community transmission of COVID-19 has not decreased (OSHA guidance related to these topics is discussed in Pillsbury client alerts here and here.) [UPDATE: On May 26, OSHA issued additional guidance and established a webpage related to safety for construction projects.]
Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not issued guidance specific to the construction industry, it has issued general reopening guidance. The OSHA and CDC guidance are good starting points, but to understand any additional requirements, you need to look at the states and cities or counties in which your projects are under construction.